Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The End is in Sight

We got a call from our lawyer today.  He is hoping that their trip to Tumaco will be Thursday or Friday.  We are hoping to go to Bogotá over the weekend and, Lord willing, come home the following weekend. 

Thank you all for your prayers.  I am feeling loads better today.  My headache is completely gone, as is the tired/achy/cranky feeling.  My congestion and sore throat are much more manageable and less irritating today.  Ken was still feeling pretty poor most of the day.  He did say this evening that he was starting to feel a little better.  Hopefully a good night's sleep will send him in the right direction.  Hopefully, we will get a good night's sleep.

We had an event last night.  Shortly after midnight, John started crying.  This is very unusual.  He's usually a pretty deep sleeper and even in the first few days we had him, he was restless and woke some but not much crying.  And boy, was he crying.  Actually, he was screaming.  It was awful.  There was nothing that we could do to console him.  We finally decided that he must be hurting but we didn't know where.  We gave him some Tylenol hoping that it would help with whatever it was.  It didn't.  He screamed and cried.  I tend to be a laid back parent having already done this age bracket with three boys.  However, even I started to panic.  And you know when I'm panicking and Ken's agreeing with me... it's really bad.  He was crying so hard and was so upset that he started hitting Ken.  Finally, we decided the only thing to do was to turn on some light and strip him down and see if we could see some indication of the problem.  When we tried to take his clothes off, he held onto them and continued screaming.  I literally had to peel his tiny fingers off his zipper to get the clothes off.  We checked every toe, every finger, every inch of his little body.  We couldn't find anything.  The funny thing is that when we got his clothes off, he stopped screaming.  I don't know why.  We never did figure out what it was.  We are thinking it might be night terrors and when we took his clothes off, he woke up.  I need to find out more about that.  When he finally went back to sleep, it was 1:30am.  Poor little guy.  Poor Ken.  He's the one that John wanted.  I would have gladly taken him since Ken was sick but it would never have worked.  Oh well, I remember many nights when a certain little boy (Rylan) would only have Mommy even though Mommy was sick.  It was weird being on the other end.

Anyway, we went to the park and enjoyed some sun for a couple of hours this morning.  That was good because we were constrained to the hotel this afternoon while it down poured.  I let Diana do my hair and then I ran each girl through the shower individually and did their hair.  I did Yuli's the same as this past week with the X's.  It stays in pretty well and I think it's cute.  Diana wanted braids all over her head like what I did with Yuli's the first time.  It turned out pretty well, too.  Her hair is easier to braid and it stays parted for me better.  She seems really, really happy with her new do and it feels good that she thinks I'm capable of doing something right.  As you might tell from that statement, we had some problems again today.  It turned out ok.  She definitely is getting better, by a whole lot.  She just needs some more time.  I think she likes our family and is happy to have us, she just is finding some of our rules difficult to follow.  You can tell that she's used to doing whatever she pleases and has her own idea of how things are going to go.  The thing that I've noticed with both girls is that when it's good, it's really good.  However, when it's bad, it's really bad.

We did ok today.  It seems like now our goal is to just make it one more day... one more day brings us closer to home.  Diana told me today that she hopes we can spend Christmas in the US.  Me, too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Leysa~ I'm so glad that Megan posted a link to your blog on facebook. It's nice to read how things are going and a good reminder for me to keep praying!

    Ashley often had night terrors, and Josh slept walked. Both children always had to go to the bathroom and if we would lead them, or put them on the pottie it did the trick every time. They are so scary, I know!

    Praying, friend!
    Debbie Heck
